Monday, July 29, 2013

Trouble in Amish Paradise

In searching the internet for video clips of "Arise My Soul Arise", the subject of the previous post, I re-discovered an amazing documentary from the BBC on a couple of Amish brethren who have come to know the Lord Jesus by faith, and the impact of this to their lives. It is such an encouraging message. I love these people! As a Christian man, I feel the great need for other godly men in my life - It really did just encourage my heart to watch this again. Their faith in the Lord is a beautiful testimony & gives glory to God. Hope it stirs you heart, too.



  1. Oh wow...I saw this documentary years ago and couldn't find it again due to it was an Austrailian group that did it and couldn't see it in America. Praise God. You all will love watching it.

  2. It was a BBC documentary from 2009.
    I found a follow-up video on You Tube titled, "Leaving Amish Paradise", and also a website with some further information. It is located at:

  3. I really do think there needs to be another follow-up film. Reason being is because the second one gave me the impression that Ephraim left honest, structured life for poverty and hardship. It made him seem like a mixed up individual that was on a path of eventually learning that modern life is full of vanity and turmoil. It certainly takes time to fully realize the world for what it truly is. The two films only follow a short time frame. It's high time we see the after math. I saw in the news where a house in PA burned down. The residents names were Ephraim and Martha Stoltzfus. Now I know in the film the wife's name was Amanda. But it seems odd there is another Ephraim Stoltzfus in PA. Coincidence? Maybe so. But certainly has me wondering about it. Just hope there is an update. The website that seems to be set up by Ephraim hasn't been updated since the last film came out.

    1. I know 24 Ephraim Stoltzfus that live in PA and thoese are just the ones I have met in person could be 100s.

  4. Ephraim Stoltzfus would be an Amish name like John Smith or Mike Jones. Probably dozens of them.


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