Sunday, October 4, 2020

Born Again

The message of the gospel is that a man must be born again (John 3:3)..."born from above" into the family of God by turning to God as a sinner and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of  sin through the finished work - the "paid in full" sacrifice - of Jesus on the cross, which was the purpose for which he came into this world (John 12:24-27).

I was encouraged recently by this beautiful song by Keith Green. They say it was released a number of years after his death, and it does sound like the type of songs he was writing later in his young life: more focused on God's grace and his power to keep us despite our failures as Christians. It sure ministers to me some days.


I do want to say that Keith's emphasis on God's love in this song can give the impression that we are born again by that love. That is not the case, though: God's love is beautiful and powerful, and I don't want to take anything away from the wonder that washes over us when we think of God's love for us. Rather, God's love motivated him to do something about the problem of sin, and that is why Jesus came to dwell among us and to bear my sin upon himself at Calvary. God's love motivated him to make a way for sinners to be justified. You can check out my post from last year on this topic, and listen to the public preaching message from the Farmers Market at this link: The How & Why of God's Forgiveness.
So it is not God's love that covers me; it is the precious blood of Jesus shed for me (1 Peter 1:18,19) because of his love. Thank you Father, that you sent the Son to be the savior of the world. Thank you Lord Jesus for enduring the cross, despising the shame, for the joy that was set before you.
Reader, I hope you are blessed by this song. I hope you know the love of God demonstrated in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If not, trust in him today. You won't be sorry.