Thursday, January 29, 2015

Don't Be A Fat American Christian

For the past few weeks I have been teaching my Precept Inductive bible study in the book of Hebrews. While I'm at work I like to think about what I'm studying and really meditate on scripture.  Just the other day I am trying to get my preventative maintenance done on a few machines and I had a thought.  We are pretty fat American Christians.

This doesn't have anything to do with our physical size (though most Americans are overweight), but our spiritual fatness.  How does a person get fat?  Well, they eat...and eat...and eat some more.  They go to the buffet down the street and get their money's worth filling up two, three, four plates and walk out of there feeling like they won.  On their way home they stop at the store and get a gallon of ice cream and a case of pop on top of that.  And what do they do when they get home.  With clicker in hand, sit in front of the TV and flip channels.  No exercise, no activity, just laying around eating and eating, and eating till they feel sick.

But isn't that what most Christians do?  We go to church and listen to the sermon, we read our devotionals, we pray (mostly about what we need), we go to our bible studies or small groups.  We listen to our favorite teachers on our IPod's while we are working or jogging.  We are just taking in and eating God's Word till we burst.  You are probably thinking to yourself, "But isn't that what we are supposed to do, Frank?"  Yes...yes it is.  But the problem that I see (and myself included) is that we are taking in God's Word, but not exercising it out in activity for the Lord.  We get lazy and fat with knowledge, and not pour it out through service to God and our fellow man.  

Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."  So how to I accomplish that? Better yet, how to we start exercising to burn off some of God's Word to get lean and mean?  Well, here are some ideas on how to start.  

Do Something That Jesus Already Told You To Do. 

Alot of times we don't know what our calling is, or what we are equipped to do, especially if you are a new believer in Christ.  But while you are waiting on the Lord and seeking Him for guidance, do something.  Don't just sit and wait.  The most important thing is to start with what the bible says to God, and thy neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40).  Here are some ideas that Jesus already told us to do. 

Matthew 25:31-40

  • Feed the hungry. 
  • Give water to the thirsty. 
  • Give shelter to people who need it. 
  • Clothe the naked. 
  • Visit the sick and in prison. 

James 1:27

  • Visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction (James 1:27).

Romans 12:15 

  • Lend an ear and a hug to those who need it.  Rejoice and weep with those who need it someone to share in their triumphs and struggles.  
Well, you get the picture.  Seek God's word and pray about how you can serve and love others.  There are thousands of ways to love others already in the bible to choose from.  

Pray About Your Spiritual Gift. 

Earnestly seek to know what your spiritual gift is, what your calling is.  Pray and ask God to reveal areas in which you are equipped for service.  When I was a new believer someone gave me a Spiritual Gift Assessment to help me find my purpose and gifts God has given me.  You can find it HERE.  

Join Others In What They Are Already Doing. 

There are so many ministries and believers already doing the work of the Lord so there is really no need to start a new thing.  This is so beneficial especially with new believers.  When you're a baby Christian, new born, you have no idea what you are doing.  Joining others in what they are doing provides the necessary training and equipping they can provide.  Here are some ministries in the Des Moines area that are in need of help.
Since new believers are unskillful in the word like babies and in need of solid food (Hebrews 5:12:13), the easiest way babies learn is by imitating (Hebrews 6:12).  Paul told us to imitate him as he imitates Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).  We are to imitate those that are good and not evil (3 John 1:11).

Is There A Need To Be Filled or a Person To Be Blessed?

Now that we know what we can do, lets do it.  But how?  When?  Where do I start and with who?  Lets face it, you are going to mess up.  You will make mistakes and you will probably piss someone off.  Start small.  Look for needs within your own fellowship and then branch outward.  Keep your ears and eyes open for ways to serve. But remember to grow, consistently get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Don't stop, keep going, don't be sluggish (Hebrews 6:12).

Daniel Shayesteh poses an Excellent Question

I follow Daniel Shayesteh's writings on his blog ( He recently wrote an interesting article on the failure of multiculturalism, and you should check it out. Here's a question he poses near the end of his article:

"Isn't it amazing that the western countries have been the most tolerant places in the world because of Christian values, but now most of their leaders and academicians are rejecting the tolerance of Christianity and opening the space wide for tyrannies to crush Christianity under the umbrella of multiculturalism?"

Here's the link to this article: LINK

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Bible Study Available: The Gospel of Mark - "The Servant of God"

We just posted another downloadable Bible Study: The Servant of God is an overview of the Gospel of Mark, and includes short, easy-to-complete lessons with true/false questions and a section for noting one key thing learned from the lesson, questions from the lesson, or any comments.

It may be used as a correspondence course: lessons may be mailed to us at Iowa Seed Sowers (through US Postal Service or email), and we will review and return the lessons with comments or answers to your questions.

Anyone who completes our downloadable Bible Studies via correspondence will receive a Certificate of Completion suitable for framing from Iowa Seed Sowers, but far greater than this is the blessing and help we all receive as we spend time in God's word!

You know, I really believe we are living in the last days. I see a great famine in our land. Oh we have abundance of food, and we have clean water, yes, and luxuries most of the world only dreams of. But there is a leanness of soul here in America (Psalm 106:14-15), and a famine of hearing the word of God (Amos 8:11). We pursue "things" instead of the one true God who gives us all things (James 1:17). The perilous times are coming upon us, for truly we are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

But God is still calling men and women, boys and girls, to come to Him for forgiveness and eternal life. His word is still available to anyone who wants it. It is for this reason we put these studies on the website, and we pray they will lead perhaps just one soul to the throne of grace. Please join with us in this prayer.

"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."
Matthew 9:37-38

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Don't You Know It's Time To Praise The Lord

With all the stuff going down in this fallen world, we who know and love our Abba Father and the Lord Jesus Christ need to keep looking up, and let the joy of the LORD be our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). So, with that in mind, here's a little song that lifts my spirit Heavenward:

(Don't You Know) It's Time To Praise The Lord

Brothers and sisters, nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39). Remember this the next time you're reading the news headlines. We are living in the last moments of the last days, and it is getting crazier and crazier, just as God's word has told us. But this world is not our home; we are pilgrims passing through, looking for and longing for our home in a place called Heaven (Hebrews 11:13-16). We are looking for and longing for the Lord Jesus to come and catch us away, the rapture of the church, as promised in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. 

Every day when you wake up, remember this: today may be the day that Jesus returns for you, or that you go to be with Him. Are we ready? Then let's rejoice and praise the Lord, for all of His promises, for all He has done, is doing, and will do in our glorious future when we stand in His presence. It definitely is time to praise the Lord!

In case you want to sing along, here are the words to this song:

(Don't You Know) It's Time To Praise The Lord

Don’t you know it’s time to praise the Lord
In the sanctuary of His Holy Spirit
So set your mind on Him
And let your praise begin
And the glory of the Lord will fill this place

Praise the Lord (women echo)
Praise the Lord (women echo)

He lives inside the praises of His people
He loves to hear them call upon His name
So set your mind on Him
And let your praise begin
And the glory of the Lord will fill this place

Praise the Lord (women echo)
Praise the Lord (women echo)

2015 World Watch List: Top 50 Countries of Christian Persecutors

Welcome to 2015:
Today the world is mourning the deaths of 12 people in France at the hands of Islamists. (I don't qualify this with "radical", because this is Islam...these are people who read & believe the Qu'ran. Period. You don't have to like it, but you need to realize this is what it is.)

But did you know that Boko Haram, a violent Islamic terrorist group in Africa, kills an average of 10 Christians every single day? 

Open Doors USA released the 24th World Watch List, which lists the 50 nations most fiercely persecuting Christians. If you go to their website (link is below), you can download the 2015 World Watch List map & report, as well as fact sheets for all 50 of the countries on the List.

Will you pray for your persecuted brothers & sisters in Christ?

Hebrews 13:3 
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. 

Here's the article. Once you're there, scroll down and listen to the Radio America interview with Dr. David Curry.
Top 50 list of Christian persecutors

Click here to go to Open Doors USA and view the Top 50 List
The List