Friday, December 6, 2019

Hijacking the Historical Jesus

Friday, December 6, 2019
Well, I've been home most of this week recovering from surgery, and I finally finished a book I bought a couple of years ago. "Hijacking the Historical Jesus. Answering Recent Attacks on the Jesus of the Bible" is a good resource book for public evangelists to have in their library, and I'm glad I added it to mine. It is written by Phil Fernandes, Kyle Larson, and Matt Coombe, and I became familiar with it from watching Phil Fernandes apologetics teaching videos online. Chapters include:
  • An Overview of the History and Biases of Modern Jesus Research
  • The DaVinci Code
  • New Testament Reliability
  • Redating the New Testament Books
  • Is Jesus Just Another Myth?
  • Identifying the Canon: Which Books Belong in the Bible
  • And quite an extensive study on Bart Ehrman, his skepticism, his view of the four gospels, and the deity of Jesus 
It took me way to long to read because I can be a lazy reader, but also because there is so much information and research presented that I would read a little and then set it aside. It is an academic book and not a pleasure read, and I need to go back through and make notes & highlight data that I can use to help better engage with the skeptical worldviews we encounter as we take the gospel of Jesus out into the streets of post-truth USA. You should check it out if you want to consider good, scholarly responses to refute the skeptics and point people to the Lord Jesus.
