Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ripped Up Tract Found

I keep gospel tracts on me when out and about, and sometimes I will place tracts in a place where others may find them. During the week, I try to get a 10-minute walk in at the 9 AM break at my factory. Its a prayer walk, in which I thank God and make request for Mary and the children. I'll give out gospel tracts when I can, or leave one along the bike path, as I did yesterday: I tucked a COEXIST tract (Gospel Tract Planet - www.tractplanetcom) on the wooden bridge railing in a conspicuous place. (FYI: this tract happens to also be the perfect size to put in the credit card reader at the gas pump - try it sometime!)

This morning, I found the tract torn-up and on the ground about 100 feet away from where I left it. I placed a good one on the left for comparison in the picture below:

I'm not unhappy about this at all, and here's why: it looks like someone grabbed the tract while walking, read it, got mad and ripped it into 3 pieces, and tossed it aside. Most likely, the Holy Spirit was bringing some conviction to bear, and thus the ripped up tract. You may judge - here's what the tract says:

"Can all world religions really coexist? Does it matter what you believe? Does your belief make it true? Imagine having to jump from an airplane that was about to crash. If you had three possible items to strap to your back, which would you choose: a tire, a briefcase full of money, or a parachute? There is only one right answer that can save your life. This is why all religions cannot coexist. They each give different ideas about God, but only one is true! Jesus said, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' (Jn. 14:6) He made an exclusive claim. Either it is true or it is not. God the Father verified this truth by raising Christ from the dead after His crucifixion. This proves that His words are true and that He is God. Have you lied, stolen, lusted, or taken His name in vain? The Bible warns that we are sinners and deserve the wrath of God. If you will repent (turn away from sin) and trust in Christ alone for salvation, He will credit you with His righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21). Give your life and allegiance to Christ alone. Please visit:"

So the tract got read, and while the person who read it was able to rip it up and throw it down, I pray they will not be able to rip it out of their memory. May these words appear on the ceiling when they lie down to sleep at night. Who knows? Perhaps it is the first step on their way to salvation? May it be so, Almighty God. Paul.

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