Saturday, November 10, 2018

Thanksgiving Evangelism

Hard to believe that the world's best holiday is only 12 days away. Thanksgiving Day is my favorite holiday, because its purpose is a national time of giving thanks to God for his many blessings and mercies he has shown us, both as a nation and individually.

I went out to the corner by WalMart this past Thursday after work, and I took my light-up "give thanks" witnessing cross with me. Gets dark early, so I use this cross more in the winter season...I can change out the panels to change the message on the cross (for example, "Jesus Saves", and I'm thinking about making a set of panels saying "Wise Men Seek Jesus"for the Christmas season.

You can pray for young man named Ruben, who stopped out on Thursday for a Bible. It was cold, and he was just wearing a T-shirt, so I quickly gave him some background on the Bible, explained  the message of the gospel, and also gave him a "One Second After You Die" booklet to take with him.  Pray that God would give him a desire and an understanding of the message of the gospel, that he might come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

 And while you and I give thanks to God this Thanksgiving season for his goodness to us, lets also give thanks that we have a great Savior to share with their friends and neighbors,  and the freedom - still - to share that message of hope, forgiveness, and eternal life in Jesus Christ with all around us.  And we can demonstrate that we truly are thankful by taking these opportunities to reach out to the lost while were able.

Friday, November 2, 2018

New Evangelism Site and App

I wanted to talk about a fairly new evangelism website and app that could revolutionize how we do evangelism, not only in our local churches, but throughout the United States, interdenominationally as The Church, the universal Body of Christ. Imagine Christians working together as one team throughout the United States to save reach every household for Jesus Christ.

Every Home For Christ, which started in 1946, has the mission to reach every single home in the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of that mission is to equip and engage those in the United States. Their new website for the U.S.A. is Encounter Life. Here you can receive training, tracts, and a plethora of information at your fingertips. This is nothing new. We have seen many websites like this throughout the years. But what I am about to show you will blow your mind.

Every Home For Christ put out an app called Encounter Outreach. With this app you can keep track of your evangelism efforts. The homes that you encounter for Christ. It will keep track of prayer requests, whether the person you talked with was open or defensive against the gospel, or if you left any information. You can create groups to do evangelism with your church, neighborhood, or with whomever you want. But what is really cool about this app, is that you can see how everyone else is doing, and share your information with the entire country. One more thing...this is entirely FREE!!!

So, lets work together. For our neighborhoods, hometowns, ... for Iowa!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

100 Reasons & Ways to use Gospel Tracts

100 Reasons & Ways to use Gospel Tracts
(From a pamphlet published by Moments With The Book (

Reasons to use Gospel Tracts
Using good-quality Gospel Tracts gives every Christian a simple and effective way to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
1. Tracts can get inside homes and stay there. You can’t.
2. Tracts never lose their temper or become involved in arguments.
3. Tracts never flinch or show cowardice.
4. Tracts can stick to the point without compromising.
5. Tracts never get discouraged.
6. Tracts are willing to be sent anywhere.
7. Tracts can work 24 hours a day.
8. Tracts are not expensive.
9. Tracts can be read many times over.
10. Tracts contain portions of Scripture, which God will use and bless (Isaiah 55:10,11).
11. Tracts can be used without fear.
12. Tracts have unlimited patience. 
13. Tracts are a great way for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel often and widely.
14. Tracts are easy to give to another person with a smile and some encouragement to read them.
15. Tracts explain the Gospel clearly and simply so that the reader can make a decision to trust Christ (if he is at that point in his understanding and personal desire to believe).
16. Tracts go anywhere with you—work, school, vacation, shopping, repair shop, eating out, etc.
17. Tracts can accomplish their purpose anytime—day or night, winter or summer, good times or bad, “right now” or “later.”
18. Tracts can take advantage of a special event or activity—elections, sports, etc.—by taking that interest and relating God’s truth to it.
19. Tracts inject spiritual truth through specialized Gospel messages during seasons such as Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, Halloween, etc.
20. Tracts are proven to work. History records the testimony of many who were saved through tracts.
21. Tracts often get read by more than one person.
22. Tracts are “portable”—carry them in your pocket, purse, planner, notebook, or laptop bag.
23. Tracts are also portable when used for large outreaches. Just one person can pack and carry several thousand tracts.
24. Tracts can be used in quantity, multiplying your witnessing opportunities.
25. Tracts can be distributed as part of your normal routine (if you’re living a consistent Christian life).
26. Tracts are available in a variety of designs and formats to suit your tastes and preferences.
27. Tracts address subjects that are current as well as topics that are timeless.
28. Tracts give God’s point of view about life and death issues.
29. Tracts get their point across in an easy-to-read, brief format suited for a generation raised on sound-bites, e-mails, and texting.
30. Tracts cross educational hurdles and are available on various “grade” levels.
31. Tracts can communicate in languages you don’t speak.
32. Tracts cross age and gender differences.
33. Tracts don’t require a degree, special giftedness, training, or experience to use.
34. Tracts never compromise their message.
35. Tracts cross socio-economic barriers.
36. Tracts may contain the only portion of God’s Word some people have ever read.
37. Tracts never get tired.
38. Tracts give their message when the reader is ready to receive it.
39. Tracts continue to repeat their message as often as necessary.
40. Tracts cross ethnic and cultural barriers.
41. Tracts can start a conversation.
42. Tracts reinforce what you say about the Gospel in a conversation, talk, or sermon.
43. Tracts get their message across when no conversation is possible—in a letter, with a bill payment, or when you have only seconds with another person.
44. Tracts can address difficult issues (when written by an expert) on which you aren’t an expert.
45. Tracts can communicate to a non-reader who asks someone to read it to him.
46. Tracts generally add their message to other factors from the reader’s past that may eventually lead that person to salvation.
47. Tracts are a testimony—even if the recipient doesn’t read the whole message, they are reminded of their need of Christ.
48. Tracts provide a point of reference for the reader to find spiritual help by contacting the publisher, church, individual, or website listed on the back.
49. Tracts can directly address certain beliefs—like Islam, Catholicism, and Mormonism—comparing them with Biblical truth.
50. Tracts can be adapted to share their message through various media to reach people and places that you cannot otherwise visit.

Ways to use Gospel Tracts
Hopefully the following list will give you some ideas of how you can put the “silent missionaries” to work. No matter where or how you choose to distribute tracts, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for each tract placed, and then pray for the Lord of the harvest to bless the seed sown.
51. Tracts can be placed in greeting cards.
52. Tracts can be passed out door to door.
53. Tracts can be shared with fellow campers.
54. Tracts can be posted on bulletin boards in public areas.
55. Tracts can be put in pockets of used clothing given away.
56. Tracts can be passed out at parades, festivals, and other special gatherings.
57. Tracts can be handed out at stadium entrances before sporting events, concerts, etc.
58. Tracts can be left in laundromats.
59. Tracts can be included in a mailing to people in your community—or around the world.
60. Tracts can be given to attendants at parking garages, toll booths, etc.
61. Tracts can be left in motel rooms (in the drawers, telephone book, etc.)
62. Tracts can be included in bills paid by mail.
63. Tracts can be handed to store employees, check-out clerks, valets, etc.
64. Tracts can be left in returned library books.
65. Tracts can be put with other reading materials in waiting rooms.
66. Tracts can be placed in tract racks in stores and other public places—with permission, of course.
67. Tracts can be enclosed with letters to prisoners, pen-pals, etc.
68. Tracts can be left with a (generous) tip in restaurants
69. Tracts can be given to hospital and nursing home patients while visiting.
70. Tracts can be handed out at zoos, picnic areas, and beaches.
71. Tracts can be left on a seat in a bus, cab, plane, etc.
72. Tracts can be left in a locker at the gym.
73. Tracts can be passed out on busy street corners.
74. Tracts can be given out on college campuses.
75. Tracts can be left in the break room or cafeteria at work or school.
76. Tracts can be left for paper and mail carriers, etc.
77. Tracts can be placed in each box or bag of merchandise you sell.
78. Tracts can be placed in airport lounges, or distributed in bus, train, and subway stations.
79. Tracts can be given to students at Vacation Bible School and Sunday School.
80. Tracts can be given away from booths rented during fairs or carnivals.
81. Tracts can be given with Christmas cookies (or gifts) to neighbors each year.
82. Tracts can be given to attendees of church choral programs at Easter and Christmas.
83. Tracts can be handed to anyone who has helped you at a store, given you a haircut, serviced your car, or worked in your house.
84. Tracts can be taken overseas on short-term missions trips in the language of the country being visited.
85. Tracts can be handed out during special community outreach programs and events like fall festivals, Christmas programs, etc.
86. Tracts can be placed on a business counter or in an office for people to pick up.
87. Tracts can be included in disaster relief packages.
88. Tracts can be placed in Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets that are given to needy community families.
89. Tracts can be included with Christmas cards and annual letters for a clear gospel witness.
90. Tracts can be given out during appointments with doctors and health care workers. 

Ways NOT to use Gospel Tracts
When distributing the Gospel, be sure to do so in a way that brings glory and honor to God. With that in mind, here are some things to avoid.
91. Don’t litter—tracts left outdoors can easily blow around and become a nuisance to those who have to clean them up.
92. Don’t leave tracts in Post Offices, mailboxes, or other places where literature is prohibited.
93. Don’t force tracts on people.
94. Don’t be rude when someone turns down your tract.
95. Don’t trespass.
96. Don’t leave tracts on houses or cars where they can get wet and make a mess.
97. Don’t leave a tract in place of a tip (or with a tip of less than 15%)—it is a very poor testimony.
98. Don’t use bad tracts. Make sure they are attractive and contain the true Gospel message.
99. Don’t use tracts that you haven’t read. Make sure to study the message (and all referenced Scriptures) so you are familiar with what you are distributing.
100. Don’t do it alone—seek God’s guidance and blessing at every turn.

A Gospel Tract in a Grocery Store Checkout Lane

“Nothing surpasses a tract for sowing the seed of the Good News.” –Billy Graham

“When preaching and private talk are not available, you need to have a tract ready . . . get good striking tracts, or none at all. A touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts. Let each one of us, if we have done nothing for Christ, begin to do something now. The distribution of tracts is the first thing.”  –Charles Spurgeon

“The smallest tract may be the stone in David’s sling. In the hands of Christ it may bring down a giant’s soul.” –Robert Murray M’Cheyne 

Did you know that George Whitefield, a preacher of the Great Awakening, was saved by a Gospel tract? After reading it he wrote, “God showed me I must be born again or be damned.”

The great missionary to China, Hudson Taylor, was also saved by reading a tract.

God even used a Gospel tract as the tool that led Greg Koukl, founder of Stand to Reason, to Christ. He has stated that “some brave soul” put it in the bottom of his grocery bag while checking out.

Mary Passing Out Tracts - Downtown Des Moines Farmers Market

Monday, October 8, 2018

Sunrise from Orbit

From an article I saw online, from The Daily Mail about photographs of the sunrise from orbit (

The article notes: "Alexander Gerst captured these incredible images of it from aboard the International Space Station...The orbiting station is 220 miles above Earth."
As you can see in the photo below,  Mr. Gerst states: "I don't know any words, in any language, to match the beauty of an orbital sunrise."

I do, Mr. Gerst: I know of words from the One who created the sunrise.
David, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and speaking about the LORD God, said:

To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.  
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 
 Psalms 19:1-6

"They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice." Psalms 65:8

These scriptures always come to mind when I behold the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, or view the moon and stars on a clear night. I agree with Mr. Gerst: a sunrise is a beautiful sight. Even more beautiful is to know the One who made it.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

"Serve Where You Are" by Lonnie Carpenter

I just got back from our annual family get-together at Gravel Lake, which is located in southwestern lower Michigan. On the map above, Gravel Lake is pinned, and is just to the south of the village of Lawton, Michigan. When we're there, I have the privilege of worshiping God with the brethren at First Baptist Church in Lawton. This year, they had a fellowship meal after the church meeting, and I got to spend some time chatting with Pastor Lonnie Carpenter, and it was a great time.

I really appreciate this body of believers: though we only see them once a year, they usually remember us and welcome us into their church family. Lonnie has a heart to reach the lost for Jesus Christ in the Lawton area, and preaching and teaching the word of God and evangelism seem to be the heart and soul of the ministry.

Pastor Lonnie Carpenter (left) of First Baptist Church

Lonnie shared a message out of Acts 6-8 at the meeting I attended, and I thought it might be an encouragement to others who, perhaps, feel discouraged with the ministry the Lord has given them. We all could use a little encouragement, right? I mean, many of us cannot go to far off places to reach the lost like, a Jim Elliot or an Adoniram Judson did, though we thrill at the stories of these and other "heroes of the faith". And, probably, we don't have the organization, support and skills to gather a big crowd and record YouTube videos while street preaching, like a Ray Comfort. But God gives all of us opportunities to be faithful in small, perhaps unnoticed or mundane ways. 

I am reminded, however, that we are called to be faithful, not necessarily "successful", at least in the way we look at success from a worldly perspective. Lonnie's message was a good reminder for me to be content with that which God has given me to do, and trust God to be content with that until or unless God calls me to something else.

Lonnie titled the message, "Serve Where You Are & You Will Go Far." Click on this LINK to listen to the audio message by Pastor Lonnie. Enjoy and be encouraged, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ!

Book Review: Gospel Reset by Ken Ham

Gospel Reset: Salvation Made RelevantGospel Reset: Salvation Made Relevant by Ken Ham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a must-read book dealing with which could possibly be the biggest problem plaguing the evangelical Christian church. This book is in the form of a wake-up-call to the church to start teaching the bible and evangelizing the American culture the way Paul did in Acts 17.

For many, many years we have been witnessing and sharing our faith to a Greek culture (who does not have the biblical foundations of God, and how He created the heavens and the earth) the same way we share our faith to the Jewish culture of Acts 2 (Who has the biblical foundations of God and creation). No wonder why when we are sharing our faith to the lost in America that they look at us as nuts. Even when using the Romans Road, or Ray Comfort's way of evangelizing and using the 10 Commandments to show a person they are a sinner, people still have no concept of what sin is, or that they violated any moral regulations to a deity who created them and everything in the universe. We have got to change how we evangelize to our Greek culture and first give them a foundation to set the whole house of the gospel on.

This book was revolutionary for me in that I need to change how I share my faith to people. I need to stop using the Romans Road, and start using a modified version of it, applying creation and our accountability to a just, holy, righteous creator. I need to be absolutely careful what tracts I use so as to not confuse people any further. I need to consider that people have no idea that there is one God, what sin is, or that they are accountable themselves. I have met multiple people right here in the bible belt of America that had no idea who Jesus was. Never heard of Him. Shocking. I need to be prepared to give an answer TO THOSE PEOPLE as well. To prepare yourself...first read this book. It is a quick read, and full of information. Straight to the point with no irritating filler.

Whether you are a Pastor, Youth Pastor, Evangelist, parent, or millennial, you need to read this book.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Witnessing At Iowa State Fair 2018

Words cannot express how awesome this year was witnessing at the Iowa State Fair this year. This was the first time since 2004 we have been able to do witnessing inside the fair, instead of just witnessing outside the gates, talking to people leaving or going in, or people parking cars on their front lawns. This was a huge opportunity to be a part of.

Answers In Genesis Booth: August 9-14

Pella Tulip Time Festival was a great outreach not only for me witnessing, but meeting more evangelists, becoming friends and also networking with them. Not only with those from Iowa, but all over the U.S.. It was at this festival where I met guys like Tony Ramsek from Answers In Genesis. While I was at Tulip Time he invited me to join him and others to work the Answers In Genesis Creation Booth at the Iowa State Fair. Starting July 11, I signed up and started my Creation Apologetics 101 training and completed it a few weeks later. This was necessary tools to work the booth, and prepare me to answer tough questions in Creation Apologetics. 

The highlight of the booth was an 8 foot replica of Noah's Ark under glass with two trains underneath to show in relation how big the ark would be. It was pretty cool to share with people how big the ark would be in relation to the Varied Industries Building where we were. It was neat to see their eyes light up when I said that the ark was 10 feet longer than the building and 7 stories high! But what was even cooler was to share how the ark only had one door for salvation from the water. This was a picture of Jesus, the only way to salvation and escape hell. 

We also had a station where we gave children and some adults tattoos, which were the biggest and brightest tattoos of the entire fair. As I am writing this on August 20th, my tattoo I put on my leg is still visible since the start of the fair on August 9th! This is what I wrote on my Facebook wall about putting tattoos on kids. 

"Matthew 19:14 - "Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
For the past 2 days for the most part I have been putting these tattoos on children. From the outside looking in, one might call it a failure and a waste of resources. One person said to me that ive been to really rough environments, shared Christ to the toughest cults, and open air preached to people who would rather see me dead, and here I am giving kids tattoos. Though I imagine I've done several hundred tattoos or even more, I have enjoyed each one. I find it that I am more blessed than they are. Here I get to fully engage children, hold their hands, or arms, or even legs, look them in the eye, and tell them how much God loves the, cares for them, and that He even sent His own Son so that they can be with Him forever. That Jesus is the ARK for today. The only Ark with the only door for the only way that leads to salvation. Any other time this is not possible. I am an extremely blessed man."
 The booth also had a plethora of tracts, booklets, DVD's and featured two TV's displaying videos of the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, where they built a life-size ark. We met many people who were planning a trip, or have already gone.

The booth did attract the attention of cults as well. I personally spoke with 3 Mormons, 2 Jehovah's Witnesses, and we even had the President of the Iowa Atheist group come. Most of his time was telling us how sad we were and hardly got a word in.

Gideon's International Booth: August 10th

I was also blessed to be a part of the first ever Gideon's International booth at the Iowa State Fair. We were located on the East Exhibition Hall underneath the grandstands. Here we gave out personal worker's testaments to adults and testaments to kids 5th through 12th grade. We did have a young man named Vince, who spent alot of time getting questions answered. He was a professed atheist, but was really interested in what the bible had to say. The group worked very well with each other, and throughout the fair days there were calls and emails for more pocket testaments needed for the booth. It was a great success and hope this will continue in the future. 

Interview on 99.3 FM The Truth Radio: August 10th

Probably the amazing unexpected thing happened that I couldn't have forseen. While I was waiting for the bus to get to the fair, Chris Rohloff, Station General Manager of 99.3 fm The Truth, contacted me through Facebook Messenger and asked Tony Didlo or I, if we would like to be on the radio talking about evangelism in the Iowa State Fair. Since Tony couldn't get there this year, I volunteered to be on the show Faith Works Live with Mike Demastus and Chris Rohloff.  

The radio spot went well, and I was really excited to be a part of it. Without going into great detail I talk about how the Iowa State Fair affected me in ministry, conquering fear, and answering other questions regarding witnessing at the fair. You can listen to it HERE on facebook. My spot starts at 20:15 and lasts two segments between commercials. 

Even though I only spent the 9th through the 14th doing evangelism at the fair, it was an unbelievable time spent serving God and promoting the gospel of Christ. It was really cool working together with other evangelists, learning from each other, fellowshiping with one another, and being the church we were called to be. I love the men and women whom I work with, and look forward to being together again. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant Outreach 2018

This year marks the 52nd consecutive Mormon Miracle Pageant, located in Manti, UT which started in 1967. This year it began June 14-16 and 19-23. It is an annual event that local and traveling Mormons go to every year to celebrate and remember their Mormon heritage, roots, and how it started. It is also an annual missionary project for various Christians who travel to this area to witness and share the true Christ to Mormons during the event.

The Pageant Itself

The Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant is comprised of three sections, which are made up of 20 scenes. The first section dealt with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon through the Prophet Joseph Smith. The second section tells of the "history" of the people groups that are revealed from the gold plates Joseph Smith supposedly found. The third section bring us to the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and their persecution and struggle moving across the country 
to Utah. This pageant is, as you can see in the picture, is performed on the hill that the Mani Temple sits on. The event itself is very organized through a unified effort to share the Mormon faith. Many people come from all over the country to watch the performances, and every year they have anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000 Mormons in attendance (as opposed to less than 100 Christians who come to witness to them).

Why I Like To Witness To Mormons

What makes an evangelistic witnessing trip to Utah special is that it is part of the 10/40 window and also part of the United States. Do you realize that only 1% of the state of Utah is Christian? If that is the case, imagine being the only Christian who knows the gospel of Christ in your job, your high school, your town, and in even some cases...your county. Imagine being the only Christian church in 100 miles? That is crazy to think about happening here in America today. With that being said, there are many LDS who will never have a conversation with a Christian or hear the true gospel of Christ. Many of the young LDS missionaries will hear the gospel from a Christian while they are on their missions. But the one reason I like to witness to LDS is that I love these people, I care about them, and want to see them saved in the true faith. 

Witnessing on the Streets of Manti

Solid Rock Bible Museum Stand at food court.
 Witnessing this year at the pageant was a little different and for the better. Two years ago the LDS church bought the street that ran along the temple and was the main strip where we would do our witnessing. Since we cannot go behind the barrier, we were forced to witness in other areas. One street will not keep those of us away. Sometime between last year and this year the house where the food court usually sits was sold, and the yard was fenced in. This put the new food court on public property and over 4 blocks away, giving us Christians a much larger area to share Christ with the LDS people. Way more area than that was taken in
 the sale of the street. Since the food court is on public property, the Solid Rock cafe took much of their bible museum from the cafe and brought it to the pageant to show LDS that they bible has tons of archaeological evidence to support the it, and the Book of Mormon does not. This was a wonderful display and much appreciated by many who attended.

Each day a few hours before pageant started we would all hit the streets and try to get into conversations. Many of us would use tracts and just hand them out as door openers to share the conversations we desperately wanted to have. Some of us held signs, some wore t-shirts in hopes to have LDS consider their message. One girl in particular, who was new to this outreach this year had a different approach, which many LDS came to talk with her. She asked people to wall-sit in their own power for as long as they could stand it before giving up. Then as they are wall-sitting she would witness to them and ask them questions as to how difficult in was to follow the LDS religion. At the end, she would then say, "Why would you wall-sit in your own strength when you can sit down in Christ Jesus", as she removes a sign on the chair that says, "Jesus". "All you need to do is by faith, trust that the chair will hold you up," she would say as she would give them the candy that was promised.
Amy from Stand To Reason Ministries

But not all people were here for the LDS. Amy, from Stand To Reason, a Christian apologetic ministry was here to ask those who left the LDS faith if atheism is true. She did have a few conversations with those who had given up on God altogether after leaving the Utah religion. She encouraged them not to, "Throw the baby Jesus out with the bathwater" and to have faith in Christ, and not in what man has come up with.

This year I was excited to have Matt Slick, Founder of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry [CARM] here to join us on the pageant streets. Not only was he an extremely funny person with a great sense of humor, but also a very caring and humble Christian man. Much different than how he portrays himself on his radio shows.

The conversations that I had were typical, and yet a surprise to me as well. The second day I had a conversation for about 45 minutes with two ladies as I asked them if a diagram I had was correct, that in order to attain eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom that they had to accoplish all these works on the list. It was very apparent that I knew more about their religion than they did; including statements like, "Well my husband drinks alot of beer and it doesn't stop him from going to temple."

Aaron open air preaching
Another time I made a wrong turn heading to the pageant from the food court winding up on a back road far from the area I needed to be in. I ran into three guys; Mike, Sam, and Carson, whom I thought were Christians, until Mike made the statement, "I'm a weird Mormon who believes in salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, but I still believe in the Book of Mormon." They all were out of the mission field for several years, but struggling with Mormonism and having faith in Christ. I talked with them for like an hour and had a great conversation but had to let it go so they can get to the pageant. I gave my card to Mike in hopes we could continue the conversation. We have emailed each other several times since. Last week I sent him a John Piper book, Desiring God. He is a big Piper fan, and has been studying Calvinism for a few years.  I'm willing to give up a book of mine for the gospel.

This year I traveled lighter and only took my LDS quad (which has all the LDS standard works) and an LDS book called True To The Faith, which shows the basics on Mormonism. Five years ago when I came the first time I took those, plus 3 more books. My back hurt so much, and I never touched the other three books the entire time I was there. Most of my conversations I never really touched on Mormonism unless I had to. The tracts I passed out were your regular million dollar bills from Tract Planet. I was also able to give out 8 Gideon New Testaments during the trip, which the last time I came I wish I had them.

Some of our conversations changed the minds of some of the people who were against us. Our leader had a conversation with the owners of a local hotel and cafe. He worked out a deal with the owner to have our group of 35 come before the lunch crowd to eat so they would know that we are only here to love them and share truth. They agreed. Since they only had their daughter, Misty, run the entire store that morning, our leader cooked most of the food on the grill, another one of our elders took the orders, and the only thing she did was scoop ice cream. We even tipped her socks off and she was really supper blessed.

Travels To Utah and Back to Iowa

For the most part the travels went well, and we were always ahead of schedule. On the way out we ran into this tornado forming in the Western part of Nebraska. The video was even better showing debris climbing into the cloud. Even though it was over 500 yards away, the winds were fierce. Found out later this same storm flipped an RV after we passed by it. 
In the end it was a great trip and made alot of headway. We only knew of one conversion from Mormonism to Christianity, but I'm sure the Lord will be working on more. If anyone has doubts about this ministry look at this picture. This was the second night of the pageant and seats are literally empty. The LDS ushers asked if we wanted to come inside and sit on the LDS property as long as we behaved. We are making strides for sure. 

If you have any questions regarding witnessing to Mormons and LDS and you want to know more, please contact me

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Independence Day Message at the Des Moines Farmers Market: Free Indeed

Posters & Freedom In Jesus Cross Used at the Market
Saturday, June 30th, 2018
Independence Day falls on a Wednesday this year, so Mary and I used this hot & humid Saturday to deliver what has become our annual Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech, and to discuss what the Lord Jesus Christ says about true freedom - real freedom - that comes when we believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and are delivered from the bondage of sin & the fear of death and Hell.

I took my posters of Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, and the "Freedom In Jesus" cross to share the message, to remind us that the freedoms we enjoy in America were purchased at great risk and great cost by our forefathers. And of course, what God did for us in sending Jesus to deliver us from our sins. I finished up with Jefferson's quote about how he trembled for our country when he remembered how that God is just, and that his justice will not sleep forever.

You can listen to the message by clicking on this LINK.

My Notes - Getting Some Wear & Tear Over The Years!
 Mary gave out all her tracts, and I was able to share everything I had prepared for this annual outreach. I find that I can give out a lot more tracts if I do so before getting up on my box and speaking publicly. When I try to do it after speaking, I don't get as many takers (I wonder why?)

But it was a good day. I don't remember exactly how I got started using the Patrick Henry speech as a springboard for sharing the gospel, I look forward to doing this every year. Kind of like seeing familiar landmarks when traveling: there is a fondness in remembering, and an anticipation leading up to them. Soon it will be the Oktemberfest outreach up here in Marshalltown, and then Thanksgiving evangelism, and Christmas & New Year's ministry. Lord willing, we hope to take every opportunity to share the glad tidings of Jesus Christ, until He comes, or we go to be with Him.

We finished up and stopped by to see our older brother in the Lord, Terry Daniel, who was out sharing with his Jesus poster, as usual. We prayed together for God to bless the tracts, conversations, and the word shared with our neighbors at the Market. Please join us in that prayer for the souls of men & women if you can. If you think of it, pray for us, and also  pray for God to send laborers in His harvest field. Thanks - Paul.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Pella Tulip Time 2018

Three weeks ago, May 1st through 3rd was the 2018 Pella Tulip Time Festival in Pella, Iowa. It was an awesome event passing out tracts and witnessing to the locals, and people that traveled far to attend this annual gathering. This year was quite different and with Jon Niefert, our fearless Captain and new friend at the helm, he made it a year we will not forget.

Jon did an impressive job not only supplying the tracts, but also writing, designing, and printing tracts specific to the Pella Tulip Time Festival. One in particular talked about the founding of the town and the first church which was started by persecuted Christians from Holland seeking refuge in the new world. We also had a plethora of other tools to use like million dollar bills, DVD's, booklets, and CD's to share Christ with the people of Pella.

Our Guests and Friends

But Jon didn't stop there! He invited some very special guests to teach at the start of each day and give lessons on how to witness and share our faith. Not only did they speak, but they also went out with us at the festival to share Christ along side us, which was really awesome.

Tony Ramsek  

Tony has worked for Answers In Genesis since 1999 and leads numerous gospel outreaches for the ministry. This includes the annual evangelism outreach to the NEA convention for public school teachers. He is also the Information Technology (IT) Manager for the ministry. It is Tony's heart's desire to exalt Christ, equip the saints, and evangelize the lost. He also brought with him an assistant, Brandon Bailey to aid in the gospel efforts and was a key figure in helping us reach the lost at Pella. 

Allen Atzbi 

Allen in the General Manager at Living Waters as well as the Director of the Ambassador's Academy. He holds a Master of Theology Degree from International Seminary and served as a Youth Pastor for a decade. Allen has trained churches in evangelism and led weekly street witnessing teams for years.

Grace Mally

Grace is the Author of the book, Will Our Generation Speak? A Call To Be Bold with the Gospel, and is the Co-Author to Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends. Her and her family have a ministry called, Tomorrow's Forefathers, which equips families to be strong in the Lord. Grace also enjoys arranging witnessing events in her home town, which has led to a ministry called, Bright Lights, focusng on encouaging young girls to be radiant in godliness, holiness, and their testimony. She also gave her newest book out to us that attended the training and witnessing event.

On The Streets

Without going into specifics, it was a fantastic couple of days. After the teaching every day we paired into teams of two and hit the streets to share Christ with people at the festival. We also were out passing out tracts to those who waited for the morning and afternoon parades. Since Pella was founded by persecuted Christians, you would think that it would be a huge waste of time to share with those who were possibly Christians. But we ran into MANY people from all over surrounding states to come and enjoy the day. I personally witnessed to those from Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, and even Illinois.

We all carried tracts that Jon had specifically made for the event, and they were great tools to help start conversations. The crazy thing is that we gave out so much, that most of us were overlapping each other and offering tracts to the same persons.

While I was coming back from lunch, I ran into a Latter Day Saint (LDS) Mormon family who was there wearing badges.  I didn't know they were LDS until I gave them one of the Pella informational tracts and saw the name tag. I asked the older gentleman, "So what is the best thing about being an LDS Mormon? I have been studying it for years and was curious to what you thought." We had a nice long talk about grace, forgiveness of sin, and how no matter how many works they do, they will never be worthy enough to attain heaven on their own. We exchanged info and I was able to give them all a Joseph Smith million dollar bill I had purchased from a Utah ministry when I went to Utah for the Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant. They agreed to read the tract if I agreed to watch one a video by one of their BYU Professors about grace. I kept my end of the bargain, but pray they keep theirs.

One of the best things about this trip was meeting new Evangelists, talking shop with them, and sharing ideas on reaching the lost for Christ. We talked to each other in our two-by-two pair-ups, and then when we got together at lunch and during the parades, we shared our testimonies in larger groups on how the Lord opened our hearts. The fellowship between us all was amazing and how we worked together even through our different backgrounds, denominations, and styles.

Even though I am an introvert, and don't like the crowds, I know that my unique gifts are required elsewhere, and not excusing me either to do extroverted evangelism like this. I would much rather do one on ones. But in reality, we all need to pass out tracts and open those doors so that we can. The entire event went well, and by the end all our energy was spent on gardening, tilling, and planting those seeds of the gospel. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Opening Day 2018

Saturday, May 5th was the opening day for the 2018 season of the Downtown Des Moines Farmers Market. Mary and I were able to make it down there around 10 AM, and we got to see our friend Terry Daniel faithfully at his corner on Court Avenue and 3rd, holding his "Jesus" sign and witnessing to the crowds.

Hard to believe, but 2018 marks 10 years of the Lord allowing us to go down to the Downtown Des Moines Farmer's Market to share the gospel and proclaim Jesus Christ to all of our friends and neighbors down there.

There were a lot of people at the market, and it was really quite noisy at Court and 3rd where we usually set up, across the north side of 3rd Avenue from where Terry is in the picture above. The music was just too loud for public speaking, so I dropped my box off next to Terry, and spent an hour or so passing out tracks and talking to people as they walked by. The musician took a break a little after 11:00, so I grabbed my box and got about half hour sharing about Jesus and the gospel of grace. Mary was on the south side of the street, and she shared a ton of tracts with passing people, as usual.

It has been quite the experience, these 10 years of ministry in this location. I've learned a lot, and I hope I have grown in my compassion and love for my fellow man, as well as my love and devotion to my Savior. That's why we go down there; that's what motivates me keep on going, that, and the knowledge that one of these Saturdays it will be the last time.

Life is short. Use it for something that will honor God and last for eternity.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Gideon's Des Moines Bible Blitz

 This past week marked the Des Moines Gideon's International Bible Blitz where Professional Christian men and their spouses lovingly, graciously, and bravely distributed God's Word throughout the Des Moines, IA area. I was so blessed to be a part of this awesome en devour.

Throughout the different camps that attended we were met with alot of opposition, prayed, and the Lord helped us through. The opposition I am referring to was weather, and sickness. We were to experience a ton of snow in the Des Moines area at the start of the distribution. But looking at the weather report, even though it was cold, the snow went AROUND Des Moines, and not over top of us. Praise God for His mercy on us. Even though it did hinder those coming in from Minnesota area, we still were able to get the job done. Crunch time came at the end of our distribution and it was a beautiful 70 degree weather. Many of us, myself included, were faced with sickness throughout the time we spent together. Most of us pressed on and were able to get the job done.

The entire event was extremely successful. We set a goal of 30,000 scriptures to be distributed and I was told we overshot that goal by a few thousand! How awesome is God. Why is this number so important?  Gideon International spokesman Woody Murray said: 
"[Gideon Bibles] are spiritual staples of nearly every hotel room and the only item guests are invited to take. Our statistics show one-quarter of all travelers will read the bible in the hotel rooms and each bible has the potential to reach 2,300 people over its six-year life expectancy."
That number is quite amazing. The average amount of rooms for a limited amenity hotel in the USA is 114 rooms. That means in a 6 year period, just one hotel can have the potential to reach 262,200 people. According to an article from business travel news, in 2015 the hotel industry in the U.S. broke the 5 million room mark at 5,001,163 rooms. That is alot of people who have the potential to experience God's Holy Scriptures just in the U.S. alone and why this project is so important to reaching the lost and fulfilling the great commission.

But make no mistake...a bible can easily outlive its 6 year life expectancy. Once a bible gets decommissioned from a hotel room after its 6 years, if it is in good condition, it will be sent out to prisons, shelters, and other places it is needed. This is why programs like the Gideon Card Program is a great way to honor a loved one who has passed on, and a joy, investment, and a legacy in a living soul can be formed.

Though I am not allowed to include the specifics of this blitz, I will say that the men and women of Gideon's International are some of the most bravest, loving, caring, and especially focused people I know, fulfilling the great commission of Jesus to go into all the world and preach the gospel. In each and every one of our minds, as Gideon's, we know we have a job to do, and to distribute God's word to every person we are able to. It is, and always will be, and incredible sight, to see Gideon's come from all over and to walk hand-in-hand together as brothers, to distribute God's word. We may not do it fearlessly, but we overcome that fear because of love of the other person receiving it, and love for our God and creator. 

Please consider becoming a member, a "Friend of the Gideon's", or even giving through the Gideon Card Program so that more scriptures can be given out freely to those who need them. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Impact: From A Handful of Dirt And A Question.

Today was a special day for me. I received a card and a letter in the mail from my cousin who is at a Christian substance and addiction rehab facility on the east coast. So far he has been there 8 months, and this is his second time out there. This was my first correspondence with him since he left to go live there, even though I write him between 1 and 2 weeks apart.

I'm not going to show or even write down everything that is in the letter, but he talks about being totally wrecked for Christ and how he had to lose everything to gain everything in Him. He is giving up his life to serve the Lord and not only that, but they have even put him on staff at this facility. At the end of his letter, he writes,

"You were the first to introduce me to my Christian faith. Although it has been a long, bumpy road, you have a huge role in this victory." 

Here is a public video of him sharing his testimony at the place he is staying.

The reason why I wrote about this is because most of us will never know the impact we have in souls we witness to and share our faith with. Most of us will never get a letter, or a thank-you, or a pat on the back. But we don't witness to get these. We do it for God's glory. But it's nice every so often to see some fruit on this side of heaven. The crazy thing to is to not give up hope and trust that the Lord is working, no matter how long it takes.

When I first witnessed to Rich, it was at the log cabins in West Virginia when this picture was taken. I was really young in the faith, newly married, and probably close to maybe 2005. That is like 13 years ago! Rich was borderline agnostic / atheist, who grew up Roman Catholic, but really questioning God's existence. But the story of the first time I witnessed to him was pretty funny. We were hiking along the top of the tallest mountain in West Virginia - Seneca Rocks 2,202 ft above sea level. While we were hiking, he stops at the very top, bends down and scoops up a handful of dirt. He brought it over to me and showed me that in his hands were ocean fossils that scattered all over the top of this mountain. There were so many that all you had to do is scoop up some dirt and you were sure to have some. They were everywhere. So I asked him how they all got here. He said the only logical explanation was that the top of the mountain had to be covered with deep sea water in order for them all to settle the way they did. So I said, "That must mean Noah's Ark is true, huh?" Well, he quickly denied it, but then went on as to what else it could have been. But nothing else made sense. And from that day it really made him think about God, the bible, afterlife, and why Jesus had to die on a cross. I've answered questions through the years, and had some pretty good conversations. But it all started with a handful of dirt and a question.

But here is the one thing I want to stress. "When we do nothing...nothing happens". We won't have an impact on anyone if we don't share our faith. We need to get out there and make disciples. We can't make disciples if we don't share our faith first. The fish aren't going to jump in the boat. We have to take initiative and start the hard conversations, conquer the fear, and get out of our comfort zones. I hope this encourages many of you. To God be the glory.