Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant Outreach 2018

This year marks the 52nd consecutive Mormon Miracle Pageant, located in Manti, UT which started in 1967. This year it began June 14-16 and 19-23. It is an annual event that local and traveling Mormons go to every year to celebrate and remember their Mormon heritage, roots, and how it started. It is also an annual missionary project for various Christians who travel to this area to witness and share the true Christ to Mormons during the event.

The Pageant Itself

The Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant is comprised of three sections, which are made up of 20 scenes. The first section dealt with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon through the Prophet Joseph Smith. The second section tells of the "history" of the people groups that are revealed from the gold plates Joseph Smith supposedly found. The third section bring us to the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and their persecution and struggle moving across the country 
to Utah. This pageant is, as you can see in the picture, is performed on the hill that the Mani Temple sits on. The event itself is very organized through a unified effort to share the Mormon faith. Many people come from all over the country to watch the performances, and every year they have anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000 Mormons in attendance (as opposed to less than 100 Christians who come to witness to them).

Why I Like To Witness To Mormons

What makes an evangelistic witnessing trip to Utah special is that it is part of the 10/40 window and also part of the United States. Do you realize that only 1% of the state of Utah is Christian? If that is the case, imagine being the only Christian who knows the gospel of Christ in your job, your high school, your town, and in even some cases...your county. Imagine being the only Christian church in 100 miles? That is crazy to think about happening here in America today. With that being said, there are many LDS who will never have a conversation with a Christian or hear the true gospel of Christ. Many of the young LDS missionaries will hear the gospel from a Christian while they are on their missions. But the one reason I like to witness to LDS is that I love these people, I care about them, and want to see them saved in the true faith. 

Witnessing on the Streets of Manti

Solid Rock Bible Museum Stand at food court.
 Witnessing this year at the pageant was a little different and for the better. Two years ago the LDS church bought the street that ran along the temple and was the main strip where we would do our witnessing. Since we cannot go behind the barrier, we were forced to witness in other areas. One street will not keep those of us away. Sometime between last year and this year the house where the food court usually sits was sold, and the yard was fenced in. This put the new food court on public property and over 4 blocks away, giving us Christians a much larger area to share Christ with the LDS people. Way more area than that was taken in
 the sale of the street. Since the food court is on public property, the Solid Rock cafe took much of their bible museum from the cafe and brought it to the pageant to show LDS that they bible has tons of archaeological evidence to support the it, and the Book of Mormon does not. This was a wonderful display and much appreciated by many who attended.

Each day a few hours before pageant started we would all hit the streets and try to get into conversations. Many of us would use tracts and just hand them out as door openers to share the conversations we desperately wanted to have. Some of us held signs, some wore t-shirts in hopes to have LDS consider their message. One girl in particular, who was new to this outreach this year had a different approach, which many LDS came to talk with her. She asked people to wall-sit in their own power for as long as they could stand it before giving up. Then as they are wall-sitting she would witness to them and ask them questions as to how difficult in was to follow the LDS religion. At the end, she would then say, "Why would you wall-sit in your own strength when you can sit down in Christ Jesus", as she removes a sign on the chair that says, "Jesus". "All you need to do is by faith, trust that the chair will hold you up," she would say as she would give them the candy that was promised.
Amy from Stand To Reason Ministries

But not all people were here for the LDS. Amy, from Stand To Reason, a Christian apologetic ministry was here to ask those who left the LDS faith if atheism is true. She did have a few conversations with those who had given up on God altogether after leaving the Utah religion. She encouraged them not to, "Throw the baby Jesus out with the bathwater" and to have faith in Christ, and not in what man has come up with.

This year I was excited to have Matt Slick, Founder of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry [CARM] here to join us on the pageant streets. Not only was he an extremely funny person with a great sense of humor, but also a very caring and humble Christian man. Much different than how he portrays himself on his radio shows.

The conversations that I had were typical, and yet a surprise to me as well. The second day I had a conversation for about 45 minutes with two ladies as I asked them if a diagram I had was correct, that in order to attain eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom that they had to accoplish all these works on the list. It was very apparent that I knew more about their religion than they did; including statements like, "Well my husband drinks alot of beer and it doesn't stop him from going to temple."

Aaron open air preaching
Another time I made a wrong turn heading to the pageant from the food court winding up on a back road far from the area I needed to be in. I ran into three guys; Mike, Sam, and Carson, whom I thought were Christians, until Mike made the statement, "I'm a weird Mormon who believes in salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, but I still believe in the Book of Mormon." They all were out of the mission field for several years, but struggling with Mormonism and having faith in Christ. I talked with them for like an hour and had a great conversation but had to let it go so they can get to the pageant. I gave my card to Mike in hopes we could continue the conversation. We have emailed each other several times since. Last week I sent him a John Piper book, Desiring God. He is a big Piper fan, and has been studying Calvinism for a few years.  I'm willing to give up a book of mine for the gospel.

This year I traveled lighter and only took my LDS quad (which has all the LDS standard works) and an LDS book called True To The Faith, which shows the basics on Mormonism. Five years ago when I came the first time I took those, plus 3 more books. My back hurt so much, and I never touched the other three books the entire time I was there. Most of my conversations I never really touched on Mormonism unless I had to. The tracts I passed out were your regular million dollar bills from Tract Planet. I was also able to give out 8 Gideon New Testaments during the trip, which the last time I came I wish I had them.

Some of our conversations changed the minds of some of the people who were against us. Our leader had a conversation with the owners of a local hotel and cafe. He worked out a deal with the owner to have our group of 35 come before the lunch crowd to eat so they would know that we are only here to love them and share truth. They agreed. Since they only had their daughter, Misty, run the entire store that morning, our leader cooked most of the food on the grill, another one of our elders took the orders, and the only thing she did was scoop ice cream. We even tipped her socks off and she was really supper blessed.

Travels To Utah and Back to Iowa

For the most part the travels went well, and we were always ahead of schedule. On the way out we ran into this tornado forming in the Western part of Nebraska. The video was even better showing debris climbing into the cloud. Even though it was over 500 yards away, the winds were fierce. Found out later this same storm flipped an RV after we passed by it. 
In the end it was a great trip and made alot of headway. We only knew of one conversion from Mormonism to Christianity, but I'm sure the Lord will be working on more. If anyone has doubts about this ministry look at this picture. This was the second night of the pageant and seats are literally empty. The LDS ushers asked if we wanted to come inside and sit on the LDS property as long as we behaved. We are making strides for sure. 

If you have any questions regarding witnessing to Mormons and LDS and you want to know more, please contact me

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