Saturday, August 25, 2018

"Serve Where You Are" by Lonnie Carpenter

I just got back from our annual family get-together at Gravel Lake, which is located in southwestern lower Michigan. On the map above, Gravel Lake is pinned, and is just to the south of the village of Lawton, Michigan. When we're there, I have the privilege of worshiping God with the brethren at First Baptist Church in Lawton. This year, they had a fellowship meal after the church meeting, and I got to spend some time chatting with Pastor Lonnie Carpenter, and it was a great time.

I really appreciate this body of believers: though we only see them once a year, they usually remember us and welcome us into their church family. Lonnie has a heart to reach the lost for Jesus Christ in the Lawton area, and preaching and teaching the word of God and evangelism seem to be the heart and soul of the ministry.

Pastor Lonnie Carpenter (left) of First Baptist Church

Lonnie shared a message out of Acts 6-8 at the meeting I attended, and I thought it might be an encouragement to others who, perhaps, feel discouraged with the ministry the Lord has given them. We all could use a little encouragement, right? I mean, many of us cannot go to far off places to reach the lost like, a Jim Elliot or an Adoniram Judson did, though we thrill at the stories of these and other "heroes of the faith". And, probably, we don't have the organization, support and skills to gather a big crowd and record YouTube videos while street preaching, like a Ray Comfort. But God gives all of us opportunities to be faithful in small, perhaps unnoticed or mundane ways. 

I am reminded, however, that we are called to be faithful, not necessarily "successful", at least in the way we look at success from a worldly perspective. Lonnie's message was a good reminder for me to be content with that which God has given me to do, and trust God to be content with that until or unless God calls me to something else.

Lonnie titled the message, "Serve Where You Are & You Will Go Far." Click on this LINK to listen to the audio message by Pastor Lonnie. Enjoy and be encouraged, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ!

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