Thursday, January 29, 2015

Don't Be A Fat American Christian

For the past few weeks I have been teaching my Precept Inductive bible study in the book of Hebrews. While I'm at work I like to think about what I'm studying and really meditate on scripture.  Just the other day I am trying to get my preventative maintenance done on a few machines and I had a thought.  We are pretty fat American Christians.

This doesn't have anything to do with our physical size (though most Americans are overweight), but our spiritual fatness.  How does a person get fat?  Well, they eat...and eat...and eat some more.  They go to the buffet down the street and get their money's worth filling up two, three, four plates and walk out of there feeling like they won.  On their way home they stop at the store and get a gallon of ice cream and a case of pop on top of that.  And what do they do when they get home.  With clicker in hand, sit in front of the TV and flip channels.  No exercise, no activity, just laying around eating and eating, and eating till they feel sick.

But isn't that what most Christians do?  We go to church and listen to the sermon, we read our devotionals, we pray (mostly about what we need), we go to our bible studies or small groups.  We listen to our favorite teachers on our IPod's while we are working or jogging.  We are just taking in and eating God's Word till we burst.  You are probably thinking to yourself, "But isn't that what we are supposed to do, Frank?"  Yes...yes it is.  But the problem that I see (and myself included) is that we are taking in God's Word, but not exercising it out in activity for the Lord.  We get lazy and fat with knowledge, and not pour it out through service to God and our fellow man.  

Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."  So how to I accomplish that? Better yet, how to we start exercising to burn off some of God's Word to get lean and mean?  Well, here are some ideas on how to start.  

Do Something That Jesus Already Told You To Do. 

Alot of times we don't know what our calling is, or what we are equipped to do, especially if you are a new believer in Christ.  But while you are waiting on the Lord and seeking Him for guidance, do something.  Don't just sit and wait.  The most important thing is to start with what the bible says to God, and thy neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40).  Here are some ideas that Jesus already told us to do. 

Matthew 25:31-40

  • Feed the hungry. 
  • Give water to the thirsty. 
  • Give shelter to people who need it. 
  • Clothe the naked. 
  • Visit the sick and in prison. 

James 1:27

  • Visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction (James 1:27).

Romans 12:15 

  • Lend an ear and a hug to those who need it.  Rejoice and weep with those who need it someone to share in their triumphs and struggles.  
Well, you get the picture.  Seek God's word and pray about how you can serve and love others.  There are thousands of ways to love others already in the bible to choose from.  

Pray About Your Spiritual Gift. 

Earnestly seek to know what your spiritual gift is, what your calling is.  Pray and ask God to reveal areas in which you are equipped for service.  When I was a new believer someone gave me a Spiritual Gift Assessment to help me find my purpose and gifts God has given me.  You can find it HERE.  

Join Others In What They Are Already Doing. 

There are so many ministries and believers already doing the work of the Lord so there is really no need to start a new thing.  This is so beneficial especially with new believers.  When you're a baby Christian, new born, you have no idea what you are doing.  Joining others in what they are doing provides the necessary training and equipping they can provide.  Here are some ministries in the Des Moines area that are in need of help.
Since new believers are unskillful in the word like babies and in need of solid food (Hebrews 5:12:13), the easiest way babies learn is by imitating (Hebrews 6:12).  Paul told us to imitate him as he imitates Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).  We are to imitate those that are good and not evil (3 John 1:11).

Is There A Need To Be Filled or a Person To Be Blessed?

Now that we know what we can do, lets do it.  But how?  When?  Where do I start and with who?  Lets face it, you are going to mess up.  You will make mistakes and you will probably piss someone off.  Start small.  Look for needs within your own fellowship and then branch outward.  Keep your ears and eyes open for ways to serve. But remember to grow, consistently get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Don't stop, keep going, don't be sluggish (Hebrews 6:12).

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