Monday, June 3, 2013

The Gospel of God...Awesome!

I love Dave Hunt. He went to be with the Lord on April 5, 2013, and has left a treasure trove of books, tapes, and teaching videos for those of us who remain on this side of eternity.

I never met Dave, but his "Search the Scriptures Daily" radio program was a great help to me as a new Christian in the mid-1990's.  On Saturday afternoons, I looked forward to listening to Dave and T. A. McMahon on "Search the Scriptures Daily" on our local Christian radio station where we lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Fond memories...I look forward to seeing him again, and finally meeting him, in Heaven.

This video teaching on "The Gospel of God" is excellent, and shows the powerful, important, and oft-neglected use of Biblical prophecy in both gospel evangelism to the lost, and in exhortation and encouragement of the brethren. Dave's love for the Bible is contagious, and I hope it rubs off on you as it has on me. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know he passed away. Then again I thought the woman who played Edith Bunker had been dead for years. Shows you how much I know. Thanks for the post.


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