Sunday, April 21, 2013

For Nash

This is a screen shot from Google Maps of the Hess Gas Station on Walsingham, in Largo, Florida, about a mile from the hotel we stayed at during our trip down there for Emily's wedding. On Monday, April 15th, around 8 PM, I was filling up our rental car when a 40-something year old man approached me, asking for money. From my work on the streets, I've been approached countless times for money, but my general rule is that I rarely just give money away. Instead, I offer to buy them a meal or some food. That is what I offered to this man, whose name is Nash.
Nash was from out of town, from New York I think, visiting a friend, and hoping to get work as a truck driver. It takes a lot of discernment when dealing with people on the street, and I don't claim to have much more insight than anyone else. But I do want to bless others as a Christian man, and I want to share the truth of Jesus Christ with as many people as I can; I did both with Nash on this night. I loaded him up with what that this gas station could offer: a couple of hot dogs, a large bag of chips, some breakfast rolls for the next day, and I can't remember what else. And as Nash was getting his food, I gave him the bread of life, the straightforward gospel of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior, who alone can deliver from sin, death, and Hell, and who offers eternal life as a gift to all who will repent and trust in Him. And with his food he also got a "One Second After You Die" gospel booklet to take along.
Brothers. all we have is a gift from God, and we have to let it go to bless this dying world around us. I cannot give to every guy sitting on the off-ramp with a cardboard sign, but there are times that I can, and this encounter with Nash was a divine appointment. Please pray for his eternal soul, and let's pray for each other, that we would be channels of God's love and care, to faithfully declare the Risen, Living Savior, and to be rich in good works to those around us.
Thank you, Father: you have blessed me with eternal blessings. What a privilege it is to show Christ's love and to declare his saving power. I hope to see Nash in Heaven some day. 

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