Thursday, July 5, 2012

Yankee Doodle Pops Outreach

For years it's always been just Tony and I walking the streets sharing the gospel either at Court Avenue area, Grey's Lake, or other places where we thought would be a good fishing hole.  As we went we prayed that one day we would be the start of a movement in the local church to get together and share the gospel as one body.  It was pretty cool that for Yankee Doodle Pops Tuesday we saw that come true with more than 30 young soul winners willing and ready to go to the streets to share the gospel from the Downtown Church of Locust Ave in the East Village. I can't wait to do it again and strengthen the body so that they would be bolder and stronger witnesses for Christ.   

As a soul-winner in America, I have a special heart for the men and women of the Armed Forces.  When I have the opportunity to open-air preach I always thank those who serve (and have served) in the armed forces so that I can have the freedoms to do what I do.  So tonight I decided to witness to the Army personel guarding the big guns that were fired that night. 

In inquiring the first soldier, he said he was Greek Orthodox.  Usually when I have no idea about a particular religion, I inquire about how they get to heaven.  He mentioned that he had to do alot of good works, and things that he had to do.   I took him directly to Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:4-8, 11:6.  He was quite unconvinced, and needed to go.  But said that he would check out the website at the back of the tract. 

The next two soldiers I talked with were sitting by a cannon.  I gave them the tracts and said that it had the million dollar question on the back.  "If you were to die today and stand before God and He asked why He should let you into heaven, what would you say?"  The younger smugly was wondering why God would ask a question, but I said it was to peak his intrest.  But when going through the 10 Commandments his countenance changed, and he became terrified.  When I was about to share the good news, his superior officer broke up the conversaiton and he had to go.  I told him as he was leaving that there is good news, and to look at the tract and the gospel of John I gave him. 

I sometimes wonder maybe I shouldn't give the good news right away, and let people stew over their sin, and the consequences of them.  Maybe this is one of those days.  Hope so. 

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