Saturday, July 28, 2012

At Calvary!

My congregation on 4th Street and Court Avenue 7-28-12
Oh, the love that drew salvations plan
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary!

This song was in my mind and on my heart while preparing to speak at the Downtown Des Moines Farmers Market this morning. I used the stories of heroism from the Aurora, CO theater shootings to talk about the One who sacrificed all to redeem us from the consequences of our sins against a Holy God: the Lord Jesus Christ.

Other brothers were down at the Market earlier, but we tend to shoot for somewhere around 9:30-10:30, and it was after 10:30 when we had our feet on the street, so it was my faithful evangelism partner and wife, Mary, and myself.  Had one rather poor heckler - a young woman - she shows up around the 17:14 mark on the audio. By poor, I mean she didn't speak up, nor stay around to discuss her point of view. It was pretty common fare, but it put some passion in my preaching, I can tell you. Its all on the recording....

Listen to the audio HERE.

I just want to say that God really demonstrates His care for me when open-air preaching: every single time someone comes up and makes some snide remark, or mocks the preaching in some audible way, God seems to bring someone up to say "God bless you" or similar. Sometimes from seemingly nowhere! Today, it was two persons, and I think you can hear it on the recording. It was great: as the heckler woman walks away, there's this little, grandmotherly lady standing there with a smile in her eyes. She looks at me and says, "I'm not offended; Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior." Wow! Thank you, Father, that you care for your children so faithfully. He is Awesome.

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