Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tulip Time Outreach 2019

Tony Ramsek sharing the gospel
 Once again, Tulip Time in Pella, Iowa May 2 - 4 was a huge success, and our numbers more than doubled from last year. With more evangelists on the streets, we were able to cover more ground and get alot more done.

Jon Niefert, who organized the event, provided us all with tracts that he created specifically for Tulip Time. With the addition to the tracts from last year, he also created a new tract which elaborated on how Pella got its name from the original city in the Holy Land.

Each morning was started with amazing teaching from Tony Ramsek of Answers in Genesis and Allen Atzbi of  Living Waters Ministries.  Their motivation, encouragement and tactics were invaluable along with a ton of free tracts, dvd's, and booklets for us to use. Their teaching and stories inspired us to get out there and share our faith. As they hit the streets they took others with them who were either new to evangelism or wanting to try different approaches.

Tony Didlo sharing Christ with
some teens
My mentor, Tony Didlo and I had a blast working together for most of the time spent. We joked around alot, and was like in the early stages of our ministry efforts when I first got saved. He is really challenging to work with because he tends to see witnessing opportunities before I do. One of my tactics on how to conquer fear is to "just do it". I know that I have less than 2 minutes after getting out of the car to give a person a tract, or I will start to feel the fear. Hesitation to fear is like wood to a fire. Literally, the first person I see, no matter who it is, has to get a tract. This sets the tone for the rest of the outreach, and is very important. The bad thing working with my mentor, Tony, is that he tends to see those opportunities before I do. I need to make myself ready, with tracts in hand before I even get out of the car.

As like last year, it was slow getting started. Since I am an introvert, I do not like crowds. They really drain my energy, and I get tired very easily. Because of this I want my conversations to be meaningful, so I opt for more one-on-one's than just passing out tracts. But this does not excuse me from sharing the gospel. I need to put my body into subjection, and force myself to overcome any and all obstacles to get the gospel to a lost world. One way I like to approach the situations and get me talking is to look for people who are trying to take selfies and are struggling trying to get the picture just right. They need help, and I am just the man for the job.

Jon Niefert, our team leader presenting the gospel
When I see a couple or group struggling, or I see someone in a group taking the pictures of others in the group, I will ask, "Would you all like a picture together?" Most of the time they are extremely thankful and start handing over their phones. The only times I get rejections is if they are worried about their phone, in which I will joke and say something like, "I'm big and slow. I think you could catch me pretty easily." It's even funnier when I say it to a group of elderly ladies and one is on crutches. I've gotten some pretty good laughs with that. I try to get a few good shots. Humor is great. Sometimes I walk closer as I'm zooming in and get really close to one person. As everyone laughs I'll ask if they are new to the neighborhood, or from around here hand them tract or a gospel of John and tell them it's a gift. Many times it leads into spiritual things, or they ask questions about the area like restaurants, nightlife, etc. If they don't stick around to talk, or have somewhere else to go, I don't push it. You not only shared the gospel, but was friendly, helpful, and it gets you talking to strangers. The friendlier you are, the more apt they are to read the material you gave them. The best part is that if you are at an event like Tulip Time, other people see what you are doing and want their picture taken as well, which opens up more conversations!

As the time went on it got easier, and I was able to have multiple conversations with other people. Prayer is important when you are looking for those individuals to talk to. There were times when I got "stiff-armed" alot, so I moved to a different area, or tried other approaches. Sometimes the best tactic is just sitting down somewhere and let the "fish" come to you. Just leave your line in the water and wait in the boat. The food court is a great way to sit with strangers, especially when it's very busy and nowhere to sit. Conversations need to take place or it's super awkward when your eating looking at each other and not saying anything. 

The weekend ended very well and everyone in the team was able to have several conversations. Coming to Pella is a great way to share the gospel with complete strangers. The training provided in the mornings really help inspire us to go out and give it our best. If you are wanting to get some training in evangelism, or want to find people in the Des Moines area to go with, don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to help.

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