Sunday, July 13, 2014

Answering "The Problem of Evil" Excuse

Mary and I got down to the Downtown Des Moines Farmers Market on Saturday. Many gospel tracts went out, and I used the argument from my atheist antagonist (see previous post) from a week ago: he said that if he saw a rape going on, he would stop it, and that God sees all these rapes going on and does nothing to stop it. In general, it is the question regarding the problem of evil.

(Photos: view from corner of 4th & Court where I spoke, looking east on Court - you can just see the box I stand on near the light pole (left). And, the view (right) looking north up 4th Street.)

Sometimes people might say it something like this: "If God is all powerful, He could get rid of all evil in the world. But, evil exists in this world, so either God is not all powerful, or He doesn't care about evil." And this is supposed to somehow "prove" that the God of the Bible does not exist, or is merely on par with any other "god" out there. 

The atheist who uses this excuse couldn't be more wrong! 
Well, how do you get evil without God?

Okay, I hope I made you HERE to listen to the audio, complete with just a little bit of rather poor heckling (you just can't get good hecklers these days!).

And, just for fun, I threw in an answer to the old "Who Made God?" smokescreen, with a tip-of-the-hat to Dr. Walter Martin.

Mary helped these two Middle Eastern ladies (wearing headscarves),
and made sure they got CONTRADICT gospel tracts!
The Bible teaches clearly that all who claim to be atheists, skeptics, free-thinkers or agnostics actually do certainly know the God of the Bible, but they are holding that truth in an unrighteous manner. God says He has revealed Himself to all men everywhere (Romans 1:18-22), and that these philosophical excuses will not hold up on Judgment Day. I presented this message with the hope that any who were impressed with these faulty arguments would be challenged to think about it, and I pray that many would repent & believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Thanks for stopping by, and as always, please pray for gospel ministries everywhere, and those laboring in the harvest field. We appreciate it! Paul.

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