Friday, May 2, 2014

Drake Relays Outreach 2014


This year's Drake Relay's was one of the busiest outreaches we had.  Just getting to the Bulldog at the front gates was a chore.  I had to park almost a mile away after driving around the area for nearly a half hour.  

A New Soul-Winner

Joining us for the first time was a new soul winner named Nathan.  He is a high school teacher with a very interesting testimony, and was a great encouragement to me as we shared the gospel together.  He found us through the Way of the Master Biblical School of Evangelism where he is a student, and I am a graduate of.  We have had a few people contact us through the school over the years but have never lasted or have left the group.  Pray that Nathan will stick around for I am confident he would be a great asset to our team.  He was a bold young man eager to share and very articulate.  

The Conversations

 After getting to know each other a little bit (because we just met) we took a walk down the street away from the festivities a little to stir up some good one-on-one conversation.  Nathan gave a few million dollar bills away while we walked.  The first one we had was with a boy who was selling water on the street for $1 each.  I gave him a million dollar bill from Tract Planet and asked him if he had change for a large bill.  I asked him about the million dollar question and he proceeded to back pedal. The funny thing is that his shirt said, "I hate you", and Nathan started to ask him about that.  At that point I think he was more open to Nathan and that's when his brother came over to help him sell.  I gave him a million dollar bill and shared with him the gospel.  Upon approaching the subject on hell he said that he would go there because that he was a homosexual, and no homosexual would enter the kingdom of God (he quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  Surprised by his answer I proceeded to ask him if he ever lied, stolen, blasphemed God's name, made God #1 in his life, and he admitted he broke all them.  So leading him to a path that even despite his homosexuality that he would still be destined for hell.  He seemed concerned, but not enough to change his lifestyle.  Instead of pressing the issue, he said that he would read the tracts that I gave him, and check out the video from Living waters that shared the entire gospel.  It was a good conversation and thanked me for taking the time to talk to him.

After Nathan left I walked around a bit looking for good opportunities for a really good conversation.  I started to walk to my car from the back, when I decided I should go where the people were and take a longer route.  Good thing I did because I had a great conversation with a catholic who said he was going to heaven because he was a good person.  I took him through the law and the 10 Commandments and he was obviously guilty, but kept proclaiming his own goodness.  I should have brought my recorder because it was a perfect example of the people we come in contact here in Iowa.  People (mainly Catholics) who have just believed in Jesus, but have absolutely no fruit, or concept of the gospel.  In the end I gave him a Gideon New Testament and shared the video with him to help him understand his need for Jesus for salvation.  It was a great evening, and though we didn't have many conversations, the ones we did were seeds planted that we pray will harvest a great crop.

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