Saturday, December 14, 2013

Jesus Calling: A Warning from Warren Smith

Note from Paul: I am adding more links and information to the bottom of this post as I become aware of them. I've added 2 additional links since the original publication. Please be a Berean and check all things against the scriptures of the Holy Bible, to see if these things are true. Maranatha!

"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young is selling like hotcakes. It has a rating of 4-1/2 out of 5 stars on, and 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon. Warren brings a warning, from his past in the New Age, on what appears to be another deceptive teaching being embraced by the Church. I really love Warren and his ministry, and thought you might appreciate this message.
For further listening, here's a LINK to a podcast from the program, Stand Up For The Truth, featuring an interview with Warren Smith. Here's some introduction to the podcast from their website: 
"Today we are asking:  Can going into a meditative silence help us actually hear the voice of Jesus?
Many people are attempting to hear the voice of our Savior speaking to them, thanks to a wildly popular book franchise you probably have heard of. The “Jesus Calling” book was written nearly a decade ago by author Sarah Young, who practiced a contemplative prayer method and actually heard a voice speak to her. She wrote down everything the voice told her to and published her first book which has now sold over 9 million copies and is ranked #1 on the Wall Street Journal Non Fiction Bestseller list. It’s product list includes books for women, teens, a children’s version, calendars, devotionals and even a smart phone app.

We have some concerns that many people are turning to their own experiences over the real Truth that God promises can be found in the Scriptures.
With us today is Warren Smith, a frequent guest on Stand Up For The Truth. Warren has just finished writing his newest book, “Another Jesus” Calling: How False Christs are Entering the Church through Contemplative Prayer.” Warren spent many years in the New Age practicing the very types of spiritual exercises put forth by Contemplative Prayer proponents. He knows full well that not every experience is from God but in fact can be from familiar, seducing spirits."

Here's another very extensive article on the discernment blog, Herescope (, posted on Saturday, November 30th, 2013, authored by Sarah Leslie of the Discernment Research Group. It starts back in the 1960's with the author's experiences in the New Age, and moves through to the present, exposing how the spirit behind the New Age has penetrated and spread into and throughout the church. Covers a review of Warren Smith's book, "Another Jesus Calling" and has some good endnotes. Wow! A must read, and please share this with your friends.

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