Saturday, May 12, 2012

Witness at Tasty Freeze

Mary and I were driving through Marshalltown, and I mentioned I'd like to stop a Tasty Freeze to get something to drink. This is a little ice cream place where you go up to the window, order, and eat outside on picnic tables. Its always a good place to pass out a tract or two, so I was ready...I thought.

Alicia and her two children were just getting their orders and sitting down. I handed the girl the Spanish version of "Are you a good person?" while her mother was getting something from the counter, and after a few minutes, the mother stepped over to where I was standing in line and asked if I had this tract in English. Oops! I only have these in the Spanish version.

But since it is the moral Law preceding grace and the gospel, I went through the entire tract in English from memory, "See, it says here this guy is called Mr. Good Guy (Sr. Buena Gente)...and then they ask him, 'Have you kept the 10 Commandments?' and he says 'Sure'...." I got to go through the whole  Law and Gospel with Alicia, and then talk in detail about the difference between religion and a relationship with the God of the Universe, the Lord Jesus Christ. We had a really long talk, touching on things like water baptism, and how it's not "scaring your kids" to discuss God's righteousness, judgment, and Hell, just like you teach them to wear a seat belt, or to drop and roll if they catch on fire. I was able to give all of them a 10 Commandment penny, encouraged her to think about the gift of God available through faith in Christ, and to read her Bible. She left with my email address, and the web address for

Please pray for Alicia and her children. Isn't it cool how God guides us to people through such ordinary circumstances like stopping at the Tasty Freeze? And how you can even use a gospel tract in a foreign language to point others to the Lord Jesus? Just amazing....

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